Using Filezilla to move files through FTP

Using Filezilla to move files through FTP


Whenever you need to move large files quickly to your Cloud Workspace, FTP is the way to go!

One of the easiest ways to do this is through FILEZILLA.

You can download it from here.

If you cannot install software in your current environment (i.e. a locked-down server on another hosting provider), download and use the FileZilla portable package - it does not require installation. Select the download link without '-setup' in the name from this link

Once downloaded and installed, look for this icon:  Go ahead and open it.


Once open, we want the 4 fields at the top:

Host name should be:

 These should be filled in with the info provided in your Cloud Workspace welcome email.

Once entered, hit Quickconnect!

You should see "Logged in" followed by a directory of your files. 

Moving files is easy as well!  In the left window, open the location of the file you want to move to Swizznet (or right to left if you are moving from Swizznet to Local). In the right window, browse to where you want to put/get the file. 

Simply right click on the file and select COPY. Then, in your destination, right click again and select paste. 

Right clicking even has separate Upload and Download features to make this simple to use!



Files are uploaded to the FTP folder on your server. This folder is located at the top-level of your hard drive - on more-recent builds this will be on C: Older builds might have this on an E drive.

By default, this folder is also mapped to end-users as their F: drive.




Once uploaded, data should then be moved into your 'Data' directory, which is mapped as the users H drive. The FTP directory should not be used as a production working directory. 





















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