Converting to Swizznet from QuickBooks Online

Applies to: All Swizznet QuickBooks customers.
Prerequisites: None.


Moving to Swizznet from QuickBooks Online is easy. Once you have purchased your new QuickBooks Pro, Premier or Enterprise license, simply follow these instructions on the Intuit website.

Here is a list of limitations on what is converted out from QBO:

Once you've converted the file to the desktop version of QuickBooks you can then open the Windows Explorer on your Swizznet Virtual Desktop and drag and drop it from your C: drive (C$) to your Swizznet Z: drive.


  1. Export and convert your QuickBooks Online data to QuickBooks Desktop
  2. Copy to your Swizznet file store.
  3. Open your converted company file in QuickBooks and set the QuickBooks Admin user's password.

Submit a support request should you wish to have a Swizznet Support technician assist with this process.



1 comment
  • To complete the conversion from QuickBooks Online you do need to have a copy of QuickBooks installed on the local computer. If you do not have a local copy of QuickBooks our support team would be happy to schedule a time to help you make that conversion.

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