We understand that managing your storage can be difficult. While you, or your partner, are the experts on your data and what needs to be retained, we find many customers ask us where to look to trim their storage needs when contacted by us to add storage.
Here are a few areas to examine to see if you can reduce your storage needs:
- Backup Retention Plan - Retaining only recent/needed backups. Removing older/unneeded backups is a great way to free up more storage.
- Sage 100 Con stores backups at Drive:\Sage100Con\Backups\Nightly\. The drive letter may vary from system to system, but the 'Sage100Con' folder will typically be at the root of the drive.
- Local admin 'downloads' folders under C:\Users\
- SQL installer (typically 2+ GB)
- Other software installers
- C:\Windows\Temp -- safe to delete everything in this folder that can be deleted. Skip the data that can't be deleted because it is in-use.
- Download and run TreeSizeFree -- the portable executable does not need to be installed. Just unzip and run. This will allow you to scan the entire drive and find where the majority of the space is being used.
- Clear out the hidden recycle bin folder (this is an advanced task) - clears out bins for users that haven't emptied theirs.
- Run Disk Cleanup
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