Moving Files via the Cloud Drive in the HTML5 Portal

If you need to move files to or from your CloudWorkspace storage drive when logged in via the HTML5 portal you'll need to use the Cloud Drive. Here's how:

Moving Files to Your Local Computer from Your Cloud Workspace

  1. Open File Explorer in the Cloud Workspace
  2. Copy and Paste whatever files you want to move locally into the the Cloud drive
  3. Click the Cloud icon that appears when you hover near the top of the desktop
  4. You will see the files you copied into the Cloud drive. Click the arrow to download to your local computer

Moving File from Your Local Computer to Your Cloud Workspace

  1. Click the Cloud icon that appears when you hover near the top of the desktop
  2. Click Browse. This will connect you to your local drive to browser to the files you want to upload.
  3. Once you select the files to upload you'll see them listed in the Cloud drive navigator
  4. Click the X in the upper right to close out
  5. Open File Explorer on your Cloud Workspace
  6. Click on the Cloud drive and you'll see the files you uploaded.
  7. Copy and paste the files to a location on your Shared Data H drive. DO NOT LEAVE FILES IN THE CLOUD DRIVE as they will be deleted upon logout.



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