QuickBooks File Size Limitations

QuickBooks company file limitations

There is a limit as to how much information can be stored within a QuickBooks company file.  Here is what Intuit says about company file size limits. 

  • Pro/Premiere: Company file exceed 250Mb (max)
  • Enterprise: Company file exceeds 1.5GB (max)

What is the impact?

Adding additional data into a company file that has already reached its limit, can result in complete and unrecoverable data loss within the company file.  

What are the warning signs?

1) Reports taking up to 45 - 60 seconds to run

2) Item list has reached 14,500 entries

3) Vendor, Employees, Customers list has reached 14,500 entries

4) QuickBooks Database fragment is between 15 - 19 (Critical), 20 and above (Severe danger)


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