Installing ThinPrint For Citrix Workspace Users

Applies to: Citrix Workspace connected customers
Prerequisites: Citrix Workspace installed and connected to Swizznet


  1. Download ThinPrint
  2. Extract and run the installation program
  3. Set connection type to ICA
  4. Restart PC


Installing ThinPrint expands the ability for Citrix to use more advanced printer setups.

Download ThinPrint

Download the installer that best suits your computer at

Extract and Run the Installation Program

It is a compressed file. Extract the files and grab the installer in the extracted folder.


Run installer as administrator to ensure proper installation.


Set Connection Type to ICA

On the Select ThinPrint Client screen you will see RDP selected and ICA with an X.


Change the option as shown above setting it to an X on RDP and the drive image on ICA.

Continue through the install accepting the default options and finish by choosing to install for, "Anyone using the computer (all users)."

Configuration Options

ThinPrint automatically runs when you launch a Swizznet app.

You can choose what printers are made available in Swizznet using the ThinPrint program.


Note that in Swizznet you may see two selections for each printer.

Print to the printer that has the #THINPORT option in the name.

If you'd like to ONLY see ThinPrint printers in Swizznet (recommended) contact Support and request the ThinPrint Users group be added to your account.







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